Yuma Sandoval Ibarra
e-mail: ysandoval@citedi.mx
Thesis: "Design of new locally-adaptive algorithms for robust speech processing in multi-channel systems."
Andres Cuevas Romano
e-mail: acuevas@citedi.mx
Thesis: "An adaptive algorithm for face recognition with tolerane to facial expresions, pose changes and noise."
Leopoldo Noel Gaxiola Sanchez
e-mail: lgaxiola@citedi.mx
Thesis: "Object tracking system in a tridimensional space using high-performance computing."
Kenia Picos Espinoza
e-mail: kpicos@citedi.mx
"3D object recognition invariant to illumination by estimation of the scene reflectance function."
Viridiana Contreras Gonzalez
e-mail: vcontreras@citedi.mx
"Reliable recognition of facial expresions using high-performance computing."